Sunday, February 28, 2010


Living and broadcasting in Texas, I've been able to watch the dynamics of our Gubernatorial campaign unfold for the past several months. In particular, the Republican primary between incumbent Rick Perry, sitting Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, and libertarian favorite Debra Medina has been very interesting to watch. Medina was surging and there was much talk about her ending up in the run-off with Perry.

Then came the Glenn Beck radio interview. Beck deserves credit for getting Medina to reveal that which she wasn't to eager to reveal. However, based on how strongly Beck rejects the Truthers - have you ever wondered why he doesn't lay it all out on his television show?

Ben Barrack

Prior to Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina appearing on Glenn Beck's radio show, she was surging in the polls. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison was reeling, in large part due to her inability to give a 'yes' or 'no' answer with respect to her position on Roe v. Wade in each of two televised debates. Speculation was mounting that Medina would make the run-off with incumbent Rick Perry unless something drastic happened.

Something drastic did happen thanks to Glenn Beck. At the end of his interview with Medina, Beck asked if she believed the United States government was in any way responsible for the attacks on 9/11 – he asked her if she was a “truther”. Medina's answer was reminiscent of how Kay Bailey Hutchison responded to the abortion question and it had the same effect. Beck was right to pose the question because it exposed a fatal flaw in an otherwise appealing candidate.

While Medina espouses returning to the Constitution and reducing the size of government, she gave Islam a virtual pass by implying that her own government may have orchestrated the 21st century's version of Pearl Harbor. The irony is that the real perpetrators of 9/11 not only wish to destroy the U.S. Constitution but insist on replacing it with Shariah law, a fate Medina doesn't seem to comprehend.

Beck however, must comprehend it. Otherwise he wouldn't have laughed Medina off the phone after giving her enough rope to hang herself in the form of a question she didn't want to answer. That is precisely why Beck may be guilty of the greater sin. He understands the Islamic threat and won't use the increasingly huge platform he now has to break it down on a chalkboard.

After Medina hung up, Beck's point was that if anyone believes the U.S. Government was responsible for 9/11, there should be “no bigger priority” than exposing it. Why isn't the converse true as well? If Beck knows that Islamists are the ones who hit us, shouldn't exposing their intentions be a priority above which there is none bigger?

Beck doesn't go there. When is the last time you saw the Glenn Beck show on Fox dedicate a show – or even a segment – to exposing the dangers of the Muslim Brotherhood? Has he had experts like Dave Gaubatz or Walid Shoebat on his show to explain how groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), and many others are front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood? The answer is no.

Glenn Beck has raised the bar. He is going where no journalist has gone before and should be commended for it. However, there is a realm he continues to avoid and it is a realm he obviously understands because he demogogues the other side – the 9/11 truthers.

It was recently learned that the same Saudi prince who offered Rudy Guiliani $10 Million after 9/11 – which Guiliani rightly refused - is now the second largest shareholder of Newscorp, the parent company of Fox News. Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal has an interest in what airs on Fox News and may not want the truth about 9/11 to be explained. Perhaps it is time for Glenn Beck to raise the bar a little more by educating Debra Medina on why she is wrong about 9/11 while simultaneously giving a certain Saudi prince the number to the red phone.
As I've stated in a previous post, it may be time for talk radio and the blogosphere to shift gears and start focusing their efforts on what Fox News is clearly averse to doing.

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