Monday, February 1, 2010


And you thought saying he forgot the president was "black for an hour" would be a low water mark not soon to be matched. It was racist. Period. However, Chris Matthews, while appearing on the Rachel Maddow show just two days later, compared the Republican party to the Khmer Rouge, saying that there is a "Re-education camp going on in that party".

Be sure to watch the video I've posted below this excerpt of Matthews, which is courtesy of NewsBusters:

Ok, forget for a minute that the NEA is referring to Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals as recommended reading and that the Department of Education appears to be jumping on board. Also, forget for now that Matthews is quoted as calling Alinsky his "hero".

Now keep in mind that Obama's friend, Bill Ayers, belonged to a group that called for actual Re-education centers as relayed by the man who most successfully infiltrated the Weather Underground for the FBI. Here is Larry Grathwohl in 1982 explaining that Ayers & Company planned to "eliminate" anyone who couldn't be re-educated, a number Grathwohl maintains Weather Underground estimated would be 25 million (based on 1969 population figures).

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