Sunday, February 14, 2010


Wow. I'm actually quite surprised that counterterrorism czar John Brennan wasn't smart enough to avoid a faux pas like this only days after he wrote that the Republicans who criticized him were aiding and abetting al-Qaeda. Brennan actually said that the recidivism rate of detainees released from Gitmo is 20% and then proceeded to say it's "not that bad". Tell that to the troops you whack job.

You know, at some point the positions that people at the top levels of this Obama administration take, must be seen as so collectively and completely untenable that they couldn't possibly be the result of their own individual incompetence. Whether it's Counterterrorism Czar John Brennan attempting to explain how the Christmas Day bomber Mutallab coughed up all that he knew in 50 minutes before he lawyered up, Eric Holder attempting to justify Khalid Sheikh Muhammad being tried in civilian court in NYC, or any countless non-sequiters uttered by press secretary Robert Gibbs, the collective idiocy is palpable.

When it's that bad, it's not the result of the incompetence of these individuals - although Brennan, Holder, and Gibbs are nothing to write home about - but a reflection on the president himself. Obama has been escaping much of the criticism because he's good at it. One of his strengths is flashing a big smile while keeping his fingerprints off of pretty much anything. It's starting to catch up with him.

Jake Tapper at ABC has more detail and I encourage you to watch the first two minutes of the video embedded in Tapper's piece. If you're pressed for time, watch these 30 seconds but just know you're missing out if you don't watch the longer version.

While talking with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham wasn't very kind to Brennan, and justifiably so.

Then of course, speaking of Graham, this one never gets old. Here is Graham back in November completely dressing down Attorney General Eric Holder, who had NO CLUE how defend his position that KSM should be tried in NYC federal civilian court. For all my problems with Lindsey, this was awesome.

For a moment, I started feeling sorry for Holder. I said for a moment.

via ABC and Hot Air Pundit

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