Sunday, February 14, 2010


Count me as one who thinks Joe the Plumber has gotten plenty of mileage out of that chance encounter with Barack Obama coupled with the subsequent presidential debate in which Joe was referenced multiple times. He's the novelty that doesn't go away. He's likable enough though and I think he's resonating with the Tea Party movement as the face of middle America. It would also seem that he and I agree on one thing at least - Sarah Palin is making a mistake by campaigning for John McCain in the Arizona primary.

Scott Detrow of public radio interviewed Wurzelbacher (Joe the plumber) and it would appear that Joe is anything but a fan of John McCain:
Wurzelbacher touched on several different points during his speech, and many of them were surprising. He said he doesn’t support Sarah Palin anymore. Why? Because she’s backing John McCain’s re-election effort. “John McCain is no public servant,” he told the room, calling the 2008 Republican nominee a career politician.

I pointed out he’d just be plain old Sam Wurzelbacher of Ohio — Joe the Plumber wouldn’t exist – without McCain. His response was blunt. “I don’t owe him s—. He really screwed my life up, is how I look at it.”

Wurzelbacher said, “McCain was trying to use me. I happened to be the face of middle Americans. It was a ploy.”
Not sure if Wurzelbacher is going to get behind McCain's opponent, J.D. Hayworth but if he does he will be in the company of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has endorsed Hayworth.

Moreover, if Joe the Plumber - a tea party favorite like Arpaio - endorses Hayworth, Palin could find herself in an increasingly sticky position. The Tea Party movement is somehow going to have to reconcile its biggest supposed advocate in Palin, backing progressive John McCain against the much more conservative Hayworth, who may end up with America's plumber in his corner in addition to America's sheriff.

h/t to The Hill

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