Sunday, February 28, 2010


Although the seven hour health care summit was utterly ponderous, there were some good clips to come out of it. Whether it was Nancy Pelosi calling the Obamacare monstrosity a "jobs bill", Paul Ryan basically implying that Obama is a hukster, John McCain on the wrong end of a smack-down with Obama, or Louise Slaughter exploiting for political gain the story of one woman having to wear her sister's dentures, here are a few highlights.

Louise Slaughter on New York...

Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin...

Obama exposing himself as a Time Socialist....

Obama not respecting his elders.....

Senator Lamar Alexander from Tennessee gets Democrats to choke on their own words. Take note that as Alexander is quoting Harry Reid, the latter can't bring himself to look at Lamar.

h/t to Free Republic

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