Monday, February 1, 2010


Charles Pierce is a left wing ideologue whose musings via the written word are intended to be funny but come across as vile and contemptible. As NewsBusters points out, in 2003 he actually said that Mary Jo Kopechne would have been "comforted" by Teddy in her old age if she'd have lived. That one might just win the most absurd rationalization for manslaughter I've ever heard.

However, let's park that one for a minute. What Pierce wrote ten days before the recent election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts is amazing all by itself but I'm almost equally struck by Pierce's apparent failure to acknowledge that he was wrong. NOTE: I'm struck not by the fact that he's a liberal who didn't do it but by how a human being can be so blatantly exposed by his own words and not demonstrate one scintilla of humility.

Via NewsBusters, check out this excerpt from Pierce's January 10th open letter to Scott Brown:
The longest shot
Call it a Senate race if you want, but it’s not.

January 10, 2010

Dear Scott Brown: Well, we’re almost here, aren’t we? The end of a long, arduous, four-month campaign for a Senate seat that you have approximately the same chance of filling as you did the pilot’s chair of the Starship Enterprise. Things might not be looking too terrific for our Democratic president -- or, for that matter, for his good pal, our Democratic governor -- but the notion that Massachusetts would elect a Republican to fill the seat left vacant by Edward Kennedy was the property of people who buy interesting mushrooms in interesting places. You might as well expect the House of Windsor to be succeeded on the British throne by the Kardashian sisters. (And, by the way, if Teddy gets wind of how you claimed in your commercials to be the true heir to the tax-cutting legacy of his brother, the president, he’s going to come back from the dead and beat you severely over the head with a yachting cap.) But you’ve got a career now. In fact, I’d like to make you an offer. You may not have noticed, but your party doesn’t have much of what the sportswriters call a bench around these parts. I would like to make you the permanent Republican candidate for US senator. Seriously, you’re good at the job of being a candidate, and it’s going to be hard enough for your party to groom another state legislator every six years. Think about it. It beats working for a living.
After reading this, it should be obvious that Pierce should be chomping on crow while having egg all over his face but the reason liberals can spout off like that is apparently because they don't care or think about the consequences of their words. Pierce just keeps on going with crow feet sticking out of his meat collector and egg yoke in his beard (yes, Pierce makes silly comments in an attempt to be funny so I thought I'd return the favor).

Anyway, after seeing his boldly written - and boldly wrong - prediction in the light of the reality that Scott Brown did indeed win, I went looking for something Pierce had written. The Nation had posted what Pierce had written after the election. See if you can find any humility or contrition here:
2) Brown won in my part of the state, dammit. If you look at a map of Massachusetts, and you draw a vertical line on the western border of Framingham and another one at the eastern border of Springfield, Coakley didn't win a single city or town except tiny Harvard and the city of Worcester. The town where I grew up went 60-40 for him. I'm thinking of rewriting my birth certificate. And Doc's friend, the great Jim McGovern, better had get hustling because that's his district.

3) Most distressing of all, the Massachusetts electorate came out in favor of climate-change denialism and emphatically in favor of torture. In fact, his enthusiasm for waterboarding was probably the clearest and most unambiguous position that Scott Brown took on any major national political issue. (Some of the people interviewed here seemed to believe that Brown was going to D.C. to lower their property taxes.) Having spent years developing a foreign policy for the Norfolk, Bristol, and Middlesex state senatorial district, Brown concluded that he doesn't consider waterboarding torture--which, of course, makes him a liar and a coward, hiding behind semantics. And this from a guy in the JAG corps--which elsewhere employed some of the only heroes produced during the years in which the country degraded itself and its ideas, largely through the techniques that Scott Brown is so proud of, which is only another reason why we suck here in Massachusetts.
Looks like Charles got Pierced and has no clue how utterly ludicrous he looks, refusing to finish that crow and get a towel for that egg he's wearing.

h/t to NewsBusters

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