Sunday, February 14, 2010


David Horowitz has an interesting take on things, as usual. Is Obama preparing to do an end-run around congress and by extension the U.S. Constitution? Yes, I know. He's been doing that since he got elected but this seems to be a bit more overt. During his first year in office, Obama watched as agenda item after agenda item failed. In most cases, the buzz saw he ran into was the American people.

What to do, what to do? Courtesy of Horowitz' News Real:
President Obama decided it’s time to push the dictator button and tell the Legislature they’re expendable. Using the Old Gray Lady for softball coverage, the White House announced the President is prepared to use Executive fiat to advance his energy, environmental and fiscal policies. But what good is signing your agenda into law if you don’t have radicals to implement it? Oh yeah, he’ll also be making recess appointments. It’s good to be King!
The real question I have is, when will congress come together as a body instead of as a fractured partisan disaster and assert its authority granted it by the Constitution. Obama has been pushing the envelope ever since taking office but if this continues, he could be committing impeachable offenses before long.

Is congress on the wrong end of a divide and conquer strategy?

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