Friday, March 26, 2010


Chris Christie, unbeknownst to me, is known as "Governor Wrecking Ball" in some circles. He is also a guy who is making some extremely unpopular and tough, but necessary decisions. Look for New Jersey to be back in good shape before too long as Christie is turning off the spigot in a big way - including union pensions.

Via the Washington Times:
He has also taken on the widespread abuses that have contributed to soaring pension costs. On Monday, he signed his first bills into law, making major pension changes that result in less generous benefits for all government workers.

Most contentious have been his attacks on teachers and public-sector unions, which are getting a 7 percent pay raise over two years but contribute little or nothing toward health care at a time when one in 10 New Jerseyans are out of work. This week, the governor called on all public school employees to agree to salary freezes for the coming year and to contribute to their health insurance.
If only every Governor in the United States had the same set of stones.

h/t to Hot Air

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