Friday, March 26, 2010


The Seattle Times has reported that an out-of-control vandal has thrown a rock through the window of Representative Steve Driehaus (D-OH). Aside from also focusing exclusively on how Democrats are being victimized exclusively - they also reported as fact, that racial epithets were hurled at black congressmen as they walked to the Capitol on Saturday, the 20th despite strong evidence it never happened - Driehaus' office is on the 30th Floor!

According to the Lying Times:
A rock was thrown through the window of Driehaus' Cincinnati office Sunday, and a death threat was phoned in to his Washington office a day later, Mulvey said.
The Seattle Times neglected to mention the bullet shot through the window of Eric Cantor's (R-VA) campaign office, which actually has a police report.

Meanwhile, other sites would like to split hairs over the trajectory of the bullet that entered Cantor's office. How about taking a look at the trajectory of that rock that was allegedly thrown upward 30 stories?

h/t to Instapundit

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