Wednesday, March 24, 2010


There's social justice and then you have a Social Justice, which is a judge who makes rulings based solely on those types of considerations. In so doing, the potential exists to become what they claim to despise. Goodwin Liu is a law professor at Berkeley and has been recently nominated by Barack Obama to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Verum Serum uncovered a clip of Liu from a 2008 PBS documentary in which he was rather open about his views on how reparations should be handled. How big of him to concede that people alive today may not be "guilty" of being involved in the slave trade but should nonetheless still be held responsible, apparently based on their race. It would seem that Liu is advocating for whites to cede positions of power not because they've done anything to warrant such a penalty but because they should be responsible for making things right long before they were born.

More on Liu at National Review but as VS points out, a position on the Ninth Circuit may no longer be newsworthy - a sad statement in its own right - but there is speculation that Liu is being groomed for a nomination to the Supreme Court.

Resentment and grudges manifested in a Judge? No thanks.

via Verum Serum

By the way, when Liu speaks of leaders stepping down as a way to make things right, he reminded me so very much of Obama's diversity czar at the FCC, Mark Lloyd who said in 2005:

"We're in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power."

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