Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Much ado has been made about how the American people haven't been listened to during the health care debate. However, not enough has been made of how they weren't listened to by their own supposed conservative leaders prior to the 2008 election. Doubly to Newt Gingrich's credit, he accurately portrays what's happening in America today and accepts a "mea culpa" for not listening to those voices that were warning political leaders about Obama.

To his discredit, he - along with so many others - didn't listen to people who knew the truth. There are many just like Gingrich who refused to believe the truth when so many were trying to tell him. John McCain was one of them and for that reason, he should not be re-elected.

via Gateway Pundit

During the 2008 campaign, John McCain insisted that Rev. Wright be off-limits. McCain was wrong in a big way.

Remember this in October, 2008?

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