Thursday, March 4, 2010


Actually, the man who came up with the term "Bald Communist" is Glenn Beck, who played excerpts of this video on one of his recent television shows. Based on how excitable Jed Brandt seems to be, my guess is he hit the ceiling when he was referred to by that name, which is probably why Beck did it.

But I digress. This guy is publicly calling for the destruction of the United States and the overthrow of its government. However, he is NOT a right wing extremist and doesn't fall under that category as outlined in the DHS report. This is the quintessential example of someone who should be watched VERY closely.

Not much is known about this guy's history - which is how Beck came up with the term "Bald Communist" - but based on what I see, the public school system didn't do him any favors as a child.

Oh, he also refers to Van Jones, another bald communist, by name and guess what? He does so while defending him.

A definite Must-see.

Now that you've seen that, here is the video of Glenn Beck on his show watching the Bald Communist, which is actually so good, it's worth watching the bald communist one more time. Fast forward to the three-minute mark to watch Beck watch Jed Brandt. The facial expressions are definitely worth it.

h/t to NewsReal

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