Monday, March 22, 2010


The name Stupak is very quickly becoming synonymous with the worst kinds of attributes associated with man. It is becoming apparent that Bart Stupak has at best been a coward and at worst calculatingly deceptive for a very long time. He touts himself as a pro-life Democrat but sold his vote for an Executive Order signed by Barack Obama that does not supersede legislation signed by the President. In fact, Stupak has given Obama a way not to intervene when it comes to taxpayer funded abortions while maintaining that he's following the Constitution.

Here's where it gets beyond appalling. After Stupak pledged his support for the Bill, the Republicans filed a Motion to Recommit, which would essentially put Supak's abortion language in the Bill. It would serve to reinforce Obama's Executive Order. Not only does Stupak reject the Motion but he comes across as trashing his own Amendment.

Via The Hill:
Right now the best defense House leaders have against such a prospect is a colloquy that Stupak will hold on the House floor to publicly reaffirm that the executive order upholds the ban on federal funding of abortion.

“One of the reasons for the colloquy is to get it out there that, look, this is what it's doing,” Stupak said. “Not only do we have the President's order, the legislative body understands the same thing. We want to make it very clear.”
Now for Stupak's speech on the House Floor. Pay close attention after David Obey attempts to bring order and you can hear someone in the crowd shout, "Baby Killer". It may not be apparent right now how much Bart Stupak has sealed his fate in history as the worst kind of lying hypocrite, using abortion as his means, but he has done so in a very big way.

The day may be coming when calling someone a "Stupak" might be the worst kind of insult.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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