Monday, March 22, 2010


Nearly four minutes of compelling video with the best part at the end, despite the theatrics in the middle. House minority leader John Boehner goes for the jugular and he finds it. After throwing down the gauntlet by asking the Democrats who voted for the health care bill if they've read it, the reconciliation bill, or the manager's amendments, Boehner shouts, "Hell No" multiple times in response to his own questions.

That prompts a laughably ridiculous admonition from the man presiding over the session, Rep. David Obey (D-WI), who tells both sides to respect the "dignity" of the House. Dignity of the House? That's its own punchline.

Then, at the end, Boehner challenges Pelosi and Obey to have every member cast their vote in person by standing in front of the entire House. Obey's response is actually more laughable than that crack about maintaining dignity.

via Breitbart

1 comment:

  1. What measures exist to enforce the rules these people have? A request was made of the speaker, and the speaker denies the existance of the request. Is there really nothing to be done?
