Saturday, March 13, 2010


First, a little background on the group whose event is where the incident occurred. United Voices for America (UVA) may sound like a friendly, innocuous name but it is headed by a man named Ahmed Bedier who was the founder and Executive Director of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) until he resigned in 2008. CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history.

CAIR also has very strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Bedier has a long history of coming to the aid of terrorists and terrorist groups. More on that here. Bedier left CAIR in 2008 and started United Voices for America, which gave him an additional degree of separation from the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a microcosm of a much larger problem of so many different Islamic groups having different names but ties to the Brotherhood as the common thread.

Now the video. The Florida Security Council (FSC) is a group headed by Tom Trento. A cameraman for his group was on hand at a UVA event on March 2nd. Presumably, one of UVA's advocates spotted the cameraman and assaulted him. The video says it all but what I found particularly obvious was the reaction of the assaulter AFTER he is caught. He immediately blames the cameraman for "pestering" him.

That's what I find most outrageous about this video. This is exactly the same tactic Hamas uses after Israel responds to rocket attacks from Gaza - blame Israel.

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