Saturday, March 13, 2010


Ever wonder what it might look like to juxtapose the words of the United States' 40th president with those of its 44th? Compared in this way, it's got to make one wonder how a country can have a memory this short. The differences could not be more stark, the presidents more ideologically opposite. As further evidence, just take a look at Barack Obama's own words on January 21st, 2008 at debate:

"I spent a lifetime fighting against Ronald Reagan's policies"
- Barack Obama

Obama, along with his administration, avoids responding to the mounting uncomfortable truths that expose lies, inconsistencies, corruption, and hypocrisy daily at this point. However, if you were able to get him to respond to the aforementioned quote, he would likely start by saying, "What I meant was...." Now, if Reagan and Obama's roles were reversed and Reagan said that he spent a lifetime fighting Obama's policies, he'd likely respond with, "I meant what I said." In fact, he'd probably campaign on it.

Check it out. The differences couldn't be bolder.

via Real Hope for America

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