Thursday, April 8, 2010


Representative Paul Broun (R-GA) represents his state's 10th District, which is near Augusta, GA. He is one of the more conservative congressmen and needs to get re-elected. That said, I received a copy of an email that Barrackaid #34 sent to Broun that I would LOVE to see Broun's response to.
Dear Congressman Broun,

I have a right to own a firearm under the second amendment. However, I can't afford one. Will you introduce a bill to tax Americans so the government can buy a gun for me?

If health care is a civil right under the constitution and thus, per this legislation have taxes pay for everyone to have it, then the same should apply to fire arms.

(Barrackaid #34)
Point very well taken. I will post any response #34 receives, assuming he forwards to me.

h/t to B34

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