Friday, April 9, 2010


Democrats should take note here. Evidence the Tea Party is not partisan. Representative Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) was not only confronted by a constituent at a recent town hall about his knowledge of the Constitution - he was publicly humiliated. To be fair, this constituent in particular appears to have memorized the entire document and I'm not sure anyone would be able to meet his standard.

That said - and to the constituent's point - it was LoBiondo who took an oath to defend the Constitution and this video exposes him as completely and entirely ignorant of it. He would have been better off just saying he didn't know. Something tells me LoBiondo went home and read it. Maybe he didn't sleep well that night but the man in the audience who challenged him should have. It's about time. As The Hill points out, LoBiondo is an eighth term congressman (16 years) and he SHOULD know the Constitution backwards and forwards.

Well done, citizen.

Via The Hill:

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