Monday, April 12, 2010


It appears that in soliciting the FBI to provide its records on Barack Obama's grandfather - Stanley Dunham - Cliff Kincaid was able to get the FBI to admit something while declining to honor his FOIA request. On September 19th, 2009 Kincaid wrote a letter to the FBI asking them to produce all files on Dunham.

Then, amazingly, in a letter to Kincaid from the FBI dated March 26th, 2010 Kincaid was informed by FBI Section Chief, David M. Hardy that all of the FBI's files on Stanley Dunham had been destroyed. Yes, an unfortunate reality but the larger issue is the fact that there were actual FBI files to be destroyed. Why?

Prior to the 2008 elections, Trevor Loudon of New Zeal Blog along with Cliff Kincaid of America's Survival did an incredible amount of work when it came to uncovering Barack Obama's past in Hawaii. In particular, Kincaid was able to use FOIA requests to obtain a 600 page file on Obama's communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis who was introduced to a young Barack by the boy's grandfather, Stanley Dunham. The FBI stopped keeping a file on Davis in 1963 so if there was a file on Stanley Dunham, what time frame did it cover? Dunham introduced his young grandson to Davis in 1970, leaving a seven-year gap between the time the FBi ceased keeping a file on Davis and when Barack was introduced to him.

Click here for the FBI file on Davis, who also wrote an explicitly pornographic semi-autobiographical novel titled, "Sex Rebel" which Kincaid reported on extensively as well.

Now we learn from Kincaid that he has been informed by the FBI that the files of Stanley Dunham have been destroyed.

More at WND

1 comment:

  1. If you actually READ the FBI statement responding to Kincaid’s request for Stanley Dunham’s FBI records, it should be immediately apparent that the FBI did NOT admit that it destroyed any file on Obama’s grandfather. This 26 March 2010 FBI letter reads, in part:

    “Records which may be responsive to your Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request were destroyed on May 01, 1997. Since the material could not be reviewed, it is not known if it was responsive to your request.”

    Please note that the FBI only advised that “records which MAY be responsive” were destroyed in 1997, but it is NOT KNOWN if they actually apply. From this kernel of truth, Kincaid has once again fabricated evidence against Obama. The FBI letter did not “admit” that it had destroyed his grandfather’s file, nor did it even confirm that it ever had an FBI file on his grandfather. The FBI did NOT know if the 1997 destruction even contained a file on Dunham.

    Nevertheless, Cliff Kincaid misrepresented the FBI’s vague response as an ADMISSION that it had destroyed his grandfather’s FBI file. This is the essence of trumped-up evidence: blatant misrepresentation of evidence (the “big lie”). Other disinformation campaigns may depend on viral rumors that are amplified with each embellishment, or carefully designed false implications.
