Monday, April 12, 2010


I don't even know what a triple agent is but Alex Jones is so conspiratorial, if there is such a thing, he's a candidate. Question: What do Alex Jones and Van Jones have in common? Answer: Both are Truthers. I have long suspected that Alex has simply tapped into the conspiratorial tendencies of many of the young minds in America yearning to be stimulated. His followers uncover some interesting things and occasionally go after the right guy for the right reasons - Al Gore being ambushed in a Chicago bookstore about climategate comes to mind.

On the other hand, I've spoken with several Alex Jones junkies and there is one thing common to almost all of them - EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY. I've often wondered if Jones has an ulterior agenda. If he does, many of his followers have reached a point where they don't believe anything is as it appears. That is a form of mind control and Cliff Kincaid at USA Survival did a video about it. One of the more convincing parts of Kincaid's video is Alex's frequent appearances on Russia Today coupled with his support of Russia during its invasion of Georgia in the summer of 2008.

I think Cliff is onto something here....

Another red flag was raised with me when I saw the video of conservative blogger and American patriot Michelle Malkin berated by an enraged Jones at the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

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