Friday, April 9, 2010


The Secretary of Logic again makes a compelling case. The premise is rooted in the question about why so many minorities find the progressive movement appealing when in many cases, their exodus from other countries is due to the sour fruits of progressivism - tyranny, communism, and bondage.
This is an open letter to immigrants hoping to achieve American citizenship and the right to vote – though it’s all right if some of you multi-generational “progressives” read it as well. Yes, our national demographics are changing. That’s precisely why it’s important to explain why you – as a new American – should embrace the ideals and values of conservatism.

We conservatives want you to join our cause, but we will not pander. We want you to be part of our movement – not because we will give you something – but because conservatism creates prosperity for everyone, including immigrants.

Conservatism is a “way of life” that enables a great country to remain great. It begins with a reverence for the men and women who risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to declare a new nation based on freedom. It holds that with this freedom comes responsibilities, and with these responsibilities comes initiative.
Unfortunately, there must be some reason people have a tendency to revert back to a way of life they hated. Woolley provides a logical reason for why they shouldn't.

Read the whole thing

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