Monday, April 5, 2010


One of the monikers attributed to Barack Obama is, "The Anointed One" and his supporters don't seem to like it being used - unless of course, it's used in the right setting. It's apparently ok if a Pastor says it during an Easter church service with Obama in attendance. I am not under-stating this. Pastor Michael E. Bell, Sr. literally used that word.

POLITICO reports:
Bell referred to the president as the ``most intelligent, most anointed, most charismatic president of America," and called Mrs. Obama ``his beautiful wife – TV cameras don’t do her justice."

"God has His hand all over you,’’ Pastor Bell said, referring to the president. ``Anyone would be foolish to come up against him.’’
In light of the Tea Party movement being demagogued for alleged "hate speech", I would like to know what that last sentence is supposed to mean.

Yes, a pastor at a church - during a service - said it would be "foolish" to oppose Obama. Uh, Reverend Bell, this country was founded on the premise that leaders be held accountable to "We The People".

Please explain, Reverend.

h/t to Hot Air Pundit

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