Sunday, April 4, 2010


On March 30th, the History Channel aired, "The Real Face of Jesus" which focused on the renowned linen cloth known as the Shroud of Turin. In 1898, it was photographed for the first time and the Italian photographer named Secondo Pia. When he produced a negative of the Shroud, the image became much more clear.

In the 1930's, photography was further advanced and new pictures were taken, making the Shroud look even better. Now we have 3D technology, which was used in the production of this documentary. The researchers did a phenomenal job of pulling the existent three dimensional image from a two dimensional cloth. The experiment not only provided further clarity but allowed the researchers to recreate the face that is seen in the Shroud.

As seen on The History Channel

Via Denny From Space

I also had the opportunity to interview a man named Robert K. Wilcox on March 28th about the Shroud. Wilcox has been researching it for over 30 years and has written a book titled, "The Truth About the Shroud of Turin: Solving the Mystery". He does an excellent job of providing additional insights not seen in the documentary. You can hear that interview by clicking here.

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