Monday, April 19, 2010


What's been the rap from the left on the Tea Party movement - since the race card has basically fallen flat? Answer: it is Un-American to protest big government. TIME Magazine's Joe Klein actually indicated that he thinks people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin might be committing sedition.

The Tea Party movement has so flummoxed the left with its orderliness that the latter has actually been reduced to attempting to infiltrate the Tea Parties to play to the negative - and hugely inaccurate - stereotypes portrayed by the Mainstream Media. Did I mention the race card didn't work?

Morgan Richmond at Big Journalism compares the anti-government sentiment of the Tea Party crowd with that of former White House Green Czar and current senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, Van Jones, who was at one time ALSO anti-government.

As head of the Ella Baker center, Van Jones oversaw that group's sponsoring the production of an album narrated by a convicted cop killer named Mumia Abu Jamal. Jones also appeared on the album. Read more about the specifics on that here.

What's interesting in light of the current political climate though, as Richmond points out, is the comparison between what Van Jones produced then and what the left is now saying about the Tea Party movement now. Via Big Journalism, here are some of the lyrics from the album in question:
F*ck the government, they never done sh*t for me
For my people their defeat is a victory
“The man” wants the whole world under his thumb,
Plunders the globe and tries to buy us off with the crumbs…
That’s not your flag, not your government
Not your war, not your President
Now is not the time to be silent
Raise your voices, raise your fist
Against the real terrorist – Uncle Sam.
Paging Joe Klein..... By the way, while that brilliant prose is still fresh in your mind, have a look at what Joe Klein said while on a panel moderated by Chris Matthews, via NewsBusters:

The contrast could not be more stark, yet the left continues to demonize the American loving Tea Party movement while giving the likes of Van Jones a pass.

Be sure to read Richmond's entire piece, which also features an audio clip from the album Van Jones sponsored.

Oh, for some reason this Jason Mattera encounter with John Podesta came to mind as well. Check out Podesta's response to Mattera's question about the former's continued support of Van Jones:

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