Monday, April 19, 2010


At the recent Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) in New Orleans, a couple was brutally attacked as they left the event and headed for their car. The female, Allee Bautsch, is a staffer for the Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal (R). Bautsch was stomped on by her attacker and her leg was broken in four places. Her boyfriend, Joe Brown suffered a broken nose, broken jaw, and a concussion.

Connie Hair at Human Events reports that as time passes, evidence the attack was politically motivated mounts:
During her first interview with Fox News (reported and transcribed in full on HUMAN EVENTS) Bautsch’s mother, Della Berning, confirmed reports of the political nature of the attacks but was reluctant to discuss that aspect of the assault.

In her latest interview with Yahoo News (via The Hayride, h/t Pat Dollard) Berning went a bit further, saying her daughter Bautsch and her daughter’s boyfriend, Brown, believe the attackers were a group of political protesters who followed them after they left the GOP event.
Neither Bautsch nor Brown were robbed. That would seem to indicate they were beaten out of anger for something they had done or for something they believed, by people they did not know.

Sounds political to me.

Read the whole thing.

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