Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In light of Bill Clinton's comments last week drawing parallels between the Tea Party movement and the anti-government sentiment prior to the Oklahoma CIty bombing, this takes on added significance. While speaking at an event for the Young Democratic Socialists (YDS), ACORN head Bertha Lewis expresses love for anyone who is young and socialist.

Don't stop watching there. Lewis says some alarming things about the Tea Party movement's plans to unleash their "racism", thereby ushering in a time worse than McCarthyism or internment during WWII.

Considering the founder of ACORN - Wade Rathke - was a member of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a group that gave birth to Bill Ayers' Weather Underground, one can find strong similarities between the old SDS and YDS, where Lewis was speaking. Take particular note of Lewis expressing her fear of the Tea Party movement opening up internment camps.

via Verum Serum

After watching that, take a look at this. The only evidence of any plans for camps comes from the far left. Remember, the Weather Underground was formed when the SDS splintered. Larry Grathwohl, the only person to successfully infiltrate the Weather Underground for the FBI has testified under oath that group's leadership, including Bill Ayers, planned on sending capitalists to re-education centers and eliminating 25 million people.

h/t to Verum Serum

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