Thursday, April 22, 2010


James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles may have had an even bigger impact than anyone imagined when they took down ACORN with their undercover videos. They may have inspired countless other would-be citizen journalists.

For example, these videos are extremely reminiscent of those ACORN videos even though it's very unlikely they got the idea from O'Keefe and Giles based on when they were done. Imagine a premise in which a young woman poses as a 14 year-old girl named “Brianna” who has been impregnated by a 31 year-old man and enters an abortion clinic. The clinic in this video is one belonging to the National Abortion Federation.

Via Hot Air:

Here, the lie from the counselor that Brianna shouldn't be concerned because the fetus has no brain activity at this stage of her pregnancy, is proven to be just that - a lie.

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