Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Bill O'Reilly producer Jesse Watters confronted Al Gore while the latter was on his way to lunch during a speech stop at Duke University. Gore said he didn't "like Ambush Journalism". Awwww. Well Vice President whack job, the American people don't like being de-frauded.

A nice little takeaway was when Watters prefaces a question by saying, "So while we have you here......." he was immediately on the receiving end of Allegory's saying, "You don't have me here."

It was interesting to hear Allegory - a visual symbol representing an abstract idea - respond that he would "consider" going on the O'Reilly Factor after viewers had only moments before heard the segment introduced by O'Reilly, who said they'd been trying to get Allegory to appear on the program for 13 years. I guess a hungry Al Gore will say anything to get someone out from between him and his pork.

The only question not asked I would have loved to have heard was whether or not Allegory would be eating meat for lunch.

Via MediaITE

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