Saturday, April 17, 2010


KTXA 21 News in Dallas did a news report from a baseball field where thousands of tea party protestors showed up. There are several noteworthy things to look for in the report. First, a man carrying a confederate flag attempted to get into the rally but was turned away at the door. I also found it interesting that he admitted to the reporter that he didn't belong. Can anyone say "Infiltraitor"?

Then the reporter interviews four black people in attendance - did I see Zo on the far left - and asks them about the notion that the Tea Party movement is racist. Then he talks to some Democrat Hack who says he understands the frustration people have but thinks they should direct their anger at Rick Perry.

That is a clear indication the guy has NO CLUE what the movement is about. Most Tea Party people I know - myself included - have plenty of problems with Rick Perry. The Tea Party isn't about candidates. It's about holding government officials - all government officials - accountable.

Lastly, after giving the hack his say, KTXA runs the numbers and shows that 51% of the Tea Party movement isn't even Republican. Nicely done KTXA.

Click here to see video report.

h/t to Jawa

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