Saturday, April 17, 2010


Let there be ZERO doubt this was a leftwing whack job who took to heart the message found on the Tea Party Crashers website - a group started by Jason Levin. Levin encouraged the liberal whack jobs to disrupt tea parties while pretending to be participants who played into the pathetically egregious stereotypes pushed by the leftwing establishment.

Here, an unhinged lefty jumps on stage and screams, "I want my Freedom". Obviously attempting to role play those he views as kooks, he exposes himself as one. Another sign is how he yells and screams after being handcuffed - a liberal tactic designed to garner sympathy; it doesn't work with this crowd.

See for yourself and see if you don't have memories of "Don't Tase me, Bro" come rushing back.

Via Breitbart


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