Tuesday, May 4, 2010


As Faisal Shahzad was attempting to board a plane to Dubai at JFK Airport late at night, he was apprehended in connection with the car bomb on Time Square that didn't explode. Several news sources are identifying Shahzad as an American citizen. The fact the bomb didn't detonate actually aided in the arrest because reverse engineering could take place more easily.

The New York Times has a report:
Federal agents and police detectives arrested a Connecticut man, a naturalized United States citizen from Pakistan, shortly before midnight Monday for driving a car bomb into Times Square on Saturday evening in what turned out to be an unsuccessful attack, Justice Department officials announced.

The man, Faisal Shahzad, 30, was believed to have recently bought the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that was found loaded with gasoline, propane, fireworks and fertilizer in the heart of Times Square, a person briefed on the investigation said.
If Shahzad ends up being the man responsible, that would constitute THREE high profile attempted or successful Islamic terror attacks on American soil in less than six months - the attack on Fort Hood and the Underwear Bomber being the other two.

As if that weren't enough, Shahzad is a naturalized American citizen. This takes on added significance in light of the controversy over the new law in Arizona which gives that state the power to enforce federal immigration laws that are obviously not being enforced. Shahzad's arrest could actually provide fuel for those who support Arizona SB 1070.

One blog, Right Pundits, goes a bit further than the New York Times, identifying Shahzad as a Democrat who may have contributed to Barack Obama:
An Islamic terrorist named Faisal Shahzad is the Time Square bomber according to media reports. He is Muslim of Pakistani heritage with dual citizenship in the United States, a registered Democrat in the state of Connecticut who may be an Obama donor. He was recently naturalized as a U.S. citizen under the Obama administration’s lenient open door policy.
The veracity of those claims remain to be seen but if true, they would be extremely damaging to the Obama administration as well as to those in opposition to the new Arizona law.

Interestingly enough, a former Muslim terrorist named Walid Shoebat - born a Palestinian - says that people who look like him should be profiled. In fact, in the days after the Underwear bomber's failed attempt on December 25th, Shoebat walked through the Des Moines, IA airport donning a shirt that said, "PROFILE ME" in big letters.

At some point, those in the media who are refusing to tell the truth about what's going on with respect to Islamic terror will have blood on their hands for ignoring it. I have a very simple question. Why on earth is Walid Shoebat not on every television news channel? He speaks Arabic; he grew up a Muslim; he became a Muslim terrorist; he can tell people what Jihad means; he can tell people the truth.

Visit Shoebat's website.

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