Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Mayor Michael Bloomberg's premature comments about the likely suspect of the Time Square car bomb that didn't detonate carried echoes of Obama jumping to conclusions about how the Cambridge Police acted stupidly while dealing with Henry Louis Gates. As was the case with Obama's claim, so too was Bloomberg's proven false.

Here's the video of Bloomberg telling Katie Couric that the bomber was an angry Tea Partier upset with Obamacare. Small problem for the mayor. The bomber is a Muslim of Pakistani descent and naturalized American citizen who, as such, had to be read his Miranda rights.

Bloomberg's appeasement of the Islamic community is not new. In the days after the Fort Hood shootings last year, Bloomberg welcomed an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Siraj Wahhaj, to a meeting to discuss that shooting. That'd be like asking the fox into the hen house to help identify what killed the hen.

Michael Bloomberg = Whack Job

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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