Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Perhaps Phoenix Suns basketball player Steve Nash is good at what he does for a living but when it comes to enunciating rational and coherent arguments, he's not very good at all. As a member of the Suns, whose home is in the state that just passed SB 1070, Nash can reach a lot of people with any words that come out of his meat-collector, regardless of how unintelligent they are. In this interview with ESPN's Tony Kornheiser, Nash touts multi-culturalism and thinks the law is racist.

Since the polls are showing that the citizens of Arizona support SB 1070 overwhelmingly - and in numbers greater than was the opposition to Obamacare nationally - does that mean that the 60% of Arizonans who welcome this new law are racist too? Is the state legislature that passed it racist? Is the Governor a racist?

Nash is free to say whatever he wants but in addition to either not reading the polls or not understanding the implications of his own words relative to what they show, I'd bet 25 cents Mr. Nash hasn't read the new law before spouting off about it.

Anyway, click HERE to watch.

h/t to Hot Air

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