Sunday, June 13, 2010


Look for this issue to continue to build in Texas. Texans who want to secure the border are looking over at Arizona's female Governor. They see toughness. Then they look back at their own Governor - Rick Perry - and not only wonder why he's not standing with Brewer but question if she's more of a man than he is.

Shortly after Arizona SB 1070 was signed, Perry said he didn't think a similar law would be right for Texas. A month later, he said he wouldn't "take the bait" when asked about whether he'd sign a bill that hasn't been introduced yet. I'll bet he was paying attention when these protesters in support of Arizona showed up in Austin.

Via the American Statesman:
A group called Texans For Arizona's New Immigration Law rallied on the south steps of the Capitol on Saturday afternoon. The event had speakers and a band and counterprotesters.

Texans for Arizona, numbering more than 100, according to event organizer Catherine Smith , set up a stage for The Watts Brothers Band and speakers from other groups, including the Texas Sons of Liberty , the Coalition For an Illegal Free America and the Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas.
Before his primary with Kay Bailey Hutchison, Perry was the toughest talker around when it came to state's rights and 10th Amendment protections. Where is he now that his colleague and fellow border state Governor Jan Brewer is coming under increased fire?

Like I said, I look for this issue to continue to build to a crescendo at the next Texas legislative session in January, 2011.

h/t to Free Republic

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