Sunday, June 13, 2010


One of the first things Obama's Administration did after the inauguration was return a bust of Winston Churchill that had been loaned to the White House after 9/11. Only a couple of months earlier - December of 2008 - the London Times reported that Obama's paternal grandfather was allegedly tortured by the British in Kenya. At the time, Kenya was a British colony.

Via the London Times:
Barack Obama’s grandfather was imprisoned and brutally tortured by the British during the violent struggle for Kenyan independence, according to the Kenyan family of the US President-elect.

Hussein Onyango Obama, Mr Obama’s paternal grandfather, became involved in the Kenyan independence movement while working as a cook for a British army officer after the war. He was arrested in 1949 and jailed for two years in a high-security prison where, according to his family, he was subjected to horrific violence to extract information about the growing insurgency.
The Times now has an article that references the allegation about Obama's grandfather. It can be inferred that many are wondering if Obama is demonstrating an anti-British bias in his dealings with BP that dates back to when his grandfather was imprisoned.
BARACK OBAMA yesterday told David Cameron that his aggressive stance towards BP over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster was not motivated by anti-British prejudice.
Is this really all that much of a stretch? Not only has Barack Obama visibly demonstrated at best, a disdain for Great Britain by shipping that Churchill bust back to them, but he's currently in a situation where he appears to be looking for as many scapegoats as possible when it comes to this oil disaster. We may be getting to the truth about why Obama doesn't want to meet with BP Executive Tony Hayward.

Lastly, the very fact that both sides appear to be downplaying the notion that there is resentment toward Great Britain on the part of Obama quite likely could mean there is some.

h/t to Hot Air for the link.

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