Tuesday, June 29, 2010


SEIU leader Tom Balanoff took the stand today in the corruption trial of Rod Blagojevich. In his testimony, he corroborated what was captured on recorded phone conversations between Blago and Chief of Staff John Harris - Obama sent him to meet with Blago about the Senate seat Obama would be vacating after winning the election in 2008. Unfortunately, at a press conference on December 9th, 2008, Obama told reporters that he had no contact with Blagojevich.

Via the Sun-Times:
"Tom, i want to talk to you with regard to the Senate seat," Obama told him.

Balanoff said Obama said he had two criteria: someone who was good for the citizens of Illinois and could be elected in 2010.

Obama said he wasn't publicly coming out in support of anyone but he believed Valerie Jarrett would fit the bill.

"I would much prefer she (remain in the White House) but she does want to be Senator and she does meet those two criteria," Balanoff said Obama told him. "I said: 'thank you, I'm going to reach out to Gov. Blagojevich."
Contrast that with this press conference on December 9th, 2008 - the day of Blago's arrest. Fast forward to the 3:00 mark to see another instance where Obama lied.

As an added bonus, let's not forget Axelrod's appearance on a local Chicago Fox affiliate on November 23rd, 2008 in which he said he knew Obama had conversations with Blago.

h/t to OchairBall for the videos.

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