Tuesday, June 29, 2010


David Weigel was a writer for the Washington Post blog and he was assigned to cover the conservative beat and report on it. Weigel also belonged to JourNolist, which is a group of 400 journalists who are supposed to be able to communicate with each other confidentially about issues and stories they cover. Any journalist communicating to the group is supposed to feel comfortable their words will not be made public.

Weigel learned the hard way that such assumptions are not warranted. JourNolist is headed by far left ideologue, Ezra Klein, who writes for the Post. In an interview with WIBC in Indianapolis, Andrew Breitbart explains that Weigel was outed because he didn't conform with the ideology of the 400. Breitbart is offering $100,000 to anyone who can deliver him the JourNoList archives.

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