Saturday, June 12, 2010


As I was traveling on I20 late Thursday night, I caught the audio of this episode of Glenn Beck on Sirius. As I heard him refer to Larry Grathwohl and then play the two minute video clip from 1982 of the only man to successfully infiltrate the Weather Underground, a Bruce Willis line from 'Die Hard' came to mind:


Don't get me wrong. I'm thrilled that Glenn Beck discovered this video of Grathwohol. However, it was making the rounds on the internet before the 2008 elections. In fact, a link to the video was presented to Bill O'Reilly's producers. Though O'Reilly proceeded to interview Grathwohl in October of 2008, he never once asked Grathwohl about the shocking claims he made on the 1982 video. Instead, it was the usual questions about Bill Ayers being an unrepentant terrorist.

I have one question for Bill O'Reilly. Why didn't you uncover then what Beck is uncovering now? The photo of Grathwohl that Beck uses at the beginning of this clip is a still shot of Grathwohl's appearance on O'Reilly before the 2008 election. It was quite uneventful not because Grathwohl had nothing to offer but because O'Reilly avoided an extremely important story.

Better late than never, I guess...

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