Saturday, June 12, 2010


For some reason, as I watched this, I couldn't help wondering if Olbermann was short-circuiting. Olbermann gets a lot of flak for not interviewing opposition guests; in some weird way, this was almost better. Not only does Alvin Greene come across as totally unqualified but Olbmermann looks ridiculous because Greene represents the ideological left that Olbermann so vociferously defends.

The exchange is almost five minutes long but it's worth watching every single second. Greene is so unqualified as South Carolina's Democratic candidate for Senate that Minority Whip, James Clyburn has a problem with it. The accusation being floated by the left is that Greene is a Republican plant.

Has anyone stopped and wondered if the power of the Community Organisms is responsible for Greene's rise? Just sayin...

h/t to Hot Air

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