Wednesday, June 30, 2010


One thing that continues to become more obvious is that Barack Obama knew much more about the discussions involving his soon-to-be vacated Senate seat in 2008 than many are comfortable with. We may be able to start counting the judge in the Blagojevich corruption trial among them. In April, Blago's attorneys filed a motion to subpoena Obama. In particular, they focused on a two hour interview he reportedly gave to FBI investigators after Blago's arrest. The motion was heavily redacted but due to a software glitch, the redacted portions were revealed.

U.S. District Judge James B. Zagel denied that motion. Subsequent requests made by defense attorneys to get access to the summary notes of that interview were also denied. Now we're finding out that Judge Zagel's ears almost seem hypersensitive to the name "Obama".

Via the Chicago Tribune:
Sheldon Sorosky, one of Rod Blagojevich’s lawyers, has been trying to drag President Barack Obama into the fray this afternoon, asking union official Tom Balanoff whether the FBI asked him about campaign money going to Obama.

Prosecutors objected, as they have so often during cross-examinations, and U.S. District Judge James Zagel said Sorosky should only ask in general what the FBI had said to Balanoff.

Sorosky tried the question again, using Zagel’s recommended wording. “I know that won’t be objected to,” Sorosky said, causing the nearby Blagojevich to laugh.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Based on the recorded phone conversations and the testimony of more than one witness under oath, Obama lied about his contacts with Blagojevich. I'm not an attorney but this should warrant more scrutiny of Obama - not less - about what he knew regarding the sale of his senate seat.

See for yourself.


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