Thursday, July 15, 2010


The level of stonewalling in the Obama administration is unmatched by any previous administration in history. One of those stonewalls surrounds the truth of how the Department of Justice handled the voter intimidation case involving the New Black Panther Party (NBPP). The United States Commission on Civil Rights continues to chip away at it.

The latest salvo comes in the form of a letter to Assistant Attorney General, Thomas Perez, who you may remember, played a huge role in J. Christian Adams' decision to resign. According to Adams, Perez gave false testimony to the Commission.

The letter asks for Perez to explain the accusations by Adams, that another Deputy Attorney General, Julie Fernandes, said to a large group of people in the department that cases with black defendants against white victims would not be brought.

As damaging as Adams has been to the Holder-led Justice Department, another attorney by the name of Christopher Coates may be more so. You can read why by going HERE. The Commission has subpoenaed Coates' testimony but the DOJ is likely to refuse to let him testify. The only thing that might allow Coates to testify is for him to do what Adams did - Resign.

Here is the letter via the Weekly Standard.

GAR to TP_07-14-10-1

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