Friday, July 16, 2010


The screws are beginning to tighten on the Department of Justice. Predicting which stonewall levee is going to break first has been quite the challenge when talking about this administration but the Black Panther case is getting better odds lately. Former FEC Commissioner (FEC) Hans A. von Spakovsky has signed a sworn affidavit backing up the claims of whistleblower and former DOJ Voting Rights Attorney, J. Christian Adams.

So we now have a former high-ranking official in the FEC, under penalty of perjury, signing a sworn affidavit in addition to a whistleblower, who resigned in order to tell his story. What could possibly be the motives of both of those men if they are lying?

While you're chewing on that one, remember that the Commission on Civil Rights has subpoenaed the testimony of current employees of the DOJ and those employees are being ordered not to testify while their top boss - Eric Holder - continues to remain silent on the entire issue.

CLICK HERE to read the entire affidavit.

More at Pajamas Media.

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