Tuesday, July 13, 2010


This trial is a spectacle in many ways but a pattern that has been developing and continues is the Judge's propensity for rulings that favor the Barack Obama administration. Now we have another one. The circumstances surrounding it are rather noteworthy as well. The prosecution is wrapping up, the defense is apparently caught flat-footed, and the judge is refusing to grant a delay in the trial.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
With a lightning-fast prosecution team resting more than a month ahead of schedule, lawyers for Rod Blagojevich are scrambling to call their first witnesses in the ex-governor's federal corruption trial.

With just a day or two until showtime -- and with vacation schedules and Secret Service logistics to contend with for big-name witnesses such as Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett -- the defense said Monday they could be "out of luck."
It's certainly possible that the Defense should have been better prepared for such a scenario but again, when you look at the totality of Zagel's rulings, they continue to benefit Obama.

More on this Judge's rulings that have been fortuitous for the Obama administration HERE and HERE.

CORRECTION: At the time of this original post, I mistakenly posted that the judge had decided not to grant a delay to the defense. Judge Zagel has NOT ruled on that request and the Sun-Times is now reporting that Zagel may in fact grant the delay.

Full story at the Sun-Times

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