Tuesday, July 13, 2010


First up, the must see throw down between Fox News Channel's Megyn Kelly and liberal Kirsten Powers. The panel started out with Kelly as the moderator in a debate between Powers and her conservative opponent. However, the exchange between Kelly and Powers overtook any best laid plans. At times, Powers looked like a deer in the headlights. Kelly had her facts and busted Powers on more than one occasion over the latter's ignorance of them. Powers conceded that ignorance but for some inexplicable reason felt compelled to keep arguing.

Whether Powers wants to admit it or not, she was in the position of having to defend the racist leader of a racist organization that's been protected by racist policies. Be sure to watch the video after the one showing the exchange between Kelly and Powers.

Kelly took her down........hard.

Next up is an exchange from March of 2008 in which Powers filled in for Alan Colmes during an installment of Hannity & Colmes in which the guest was New Black Panther Party leader Malik Zulu Shabazz. Fast forward to the 5:30 mark to see Powers question Shabazz. In light of the Philadelphia polling station case coupled with what should have been an "ah-HA" moment for Powers in this interview, I am struck by the obstinate posture of Powers in the exchange with Kelly today.


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