Friday, July 16, 2010


Those who've long asserted that there is an active alliance between the political left in America and the Muslim Brotherhood just got a boost of credibility with this one. The NAACP's resolution identifying the Tea Party Movement as racist is being endorsed by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Here is an excerpt from CAIR's Press Release:
"If the Tea Party wishes to be taken seriously by mainstream Americans, it must repudiate all those who express or promote extremist, racist or bigoted views while claiming to be affiliated with the movement," said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper.

Hooper noted the NAACP's list of racist incidents tied to the Tea Party movement and cited similar examples of Islamophobic incidents, including:

* Extremist anti-Islam blogger Pamela Geller was invited to speak about "The Threat of Islam" at a Tea Party convention last May in Tennessee. Along with her claim that "Hitler and the Nazis were inspired by Islam..."
I found it interesting that Hooper would even broach that last subject because it's a loser.

If you want to debate whether or not Hitler was actually motivated by Islam, have at it. However, if you'd like to debate whether Hitler aligned with Islam, you'll lose. There are photos of Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini (left).

They both had common goals - exterminating the Jews - and the alliance is not even in dispute.

This speaks volumes about the real views of the NAACP, which has connections to the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), a group with a Muslim leader. The facts are these. CAIR, the NAACP, and the Black Panthers are all on the same side of this issue. All three groups are engaging in projection.

The Washington Times piece has a partial transcript between J. Christian Adams and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that point to the NAACP / NBPP relationship but Christopher Coates, an attorney still working inside the DOJ is the one whose testimony needs to be heard because he can give a firsthand account.

Read it all.

h/t to Fox Nation

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