Saturday, July 31, 2010


This is very interesting. If you've seen the entire 43 minute speech of Shirley Sherrod speaking in front of the NAACP, you watched her explain that her father - a black farmer - was shot and killed by a white farmer in 1965 and the case was never brought before a grand jury; justice was never done. If that's true, it is a travesty and a despicable part of America's past. Speaking of truth, it appears that there may be some good to come out of Breitbart's video. He may actually end up helping Shirley Sherrod as all of this attention has seemingly prompted the FBI to look into the 45 year-old case.

Sherrod's father was named Hosie Miller. His alleged killer was named Cal Hall, who died in 1976. The newspaper called the Albany Herald has published some very interesting details about the case.
Documents obtained through a Georgia Open Records Act request Friday show that Hall was charged at least three different times in connection with Miller's killing and each time the grand jury declined to prosecute.

Grace Miller, Hosie Miller's wife and Sherrod's mother, said Friday that she didn't know if the FBI had opened an investigation into her husband's killing.

"I hadn't heard that but, I think it would be a good thing if they did," Miller said. "But, then again, it won't bring him back and that was a long time ago."
Another interesting fact revealed in this article is that Shirley's mother - Grace Miller - said she was related, though distantly to Cal Hall.

Also, very noteworthy was this:
...on Jan. 25, 1966, Grace Miller, with the assistance of famed civil rights attorney C.B. King, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Hall alleging that Hall shot Miller in the chest while in Miller's cow pasture off Route 2 in Newton on March 15, 1965. According to court documents Miller was seeking $330,00 to recover present and future lost wages, medical and funeral costs.

In his answer to Grace Miller's original complaint, Hall's attorney stated "the Defendant says that he is not indebted to the Plaintiff for any sum or amount for the reason that the killing by him of Plaintiff's husband was in self-defense."
The argument that Hall shot Miller in self-defense is quite the opposite of Shirley Sherrod's claim. It's made even less credible given the fact that Miller was shot on his own property. Suffice it to say that this entire controversy over the video of Sherrod being taken out of context appears to be ginning up interest in the stories she related during the entire speech.

As part of the investigation into the death of Miller, I am curious to know if Hall was a registered Democrat. If so, it would be another in a long line of examples in which the persecution of blacks by whites is firmly in the camp of this country's left, including the KKK being the armed wing of the Democrat party.

In any event, here's Shirley Sherrod's entire speech. The story about her father being shot and killed is early on so it's not necessary to view the entire video.

h/t to Free Republic

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