Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hat Tip to Barrackaid #34. Keep 'em coming. It's one thing to know illegal immigration is going on. It's another to hear the issue debated; it's still another to see it up close, courtesy of hidden cameras. If you were not enraged by the absurd ruling from an Arizona judge this week regarding SB 1070, basically handcuffing police while sanctioning lawlessness, this video should get you there. If you're already there, watch it anyway; maybe it will get you mad enough to wake up that neighbor of yours who's more concerned about how his team's draft picks are looking in training camp.

Via Center for Immigration Studies (CIS):

Now that you're all lathered up, have a look at this news report from the Phoenix Fox affiliate. Protesters outside the Sheriff's office waving Mexican flags. Take note of the large Cuban flag featuring a prominent photo of cold-blooded killer and all-around scumbag, Che Guevara.

h/t to the Impeach Obama Campaign:

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