Monday, July 12, 2010


On May 29th, New Black Panther Party (NBPP) leader Malik Zulu Shabazz was dressed in some sort of flowing robe and introduced that other Shabazz - King Samir - to the audience. Remember that when Malik was asked by both Megyn Kelly and Geraldo Rivera about Samir being a racist, he demurred and said he doesn't know what Samir thinks. As you allow that to incubate, have a listen to Malik tell this audience that Samir goes with him wherever he goes. It's quite obvious Malik holds the same views.

The fact that he didn't object here as Samir spewed hatred for "Cracker Police" only provides further evidence of it - as if you needed anymore.

Malik, you and your group are being outed right before your eyes.


via Naked Emperor News

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