Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Until Jesse Jackson inserted himself into the LeBron James story I intentionally stayed away from it because in light of all that's going on in the world - and in this country - lately, it's about as consequential as a fly problem in someone else's yard. It's sophomoric, ponderous, and insipid compared to something like, I don't know, the corruption trial of Rod Blagojevich? Perhaps not so coincidentally, Jesse's son, Jesse Jackson Jr. has probably been implicated more than anyone else at that very trial in recent days - it has become painfully obvious that Jr.'s attempt to denounce "pay to play politics" was a big fat lie based on the recorded phone conversations played thus far.

It's almost as if a distraction was needed. Is the elder Jesse running interference for his son by publicly saying that Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert has a "slave master mentality" with respect to James, who Jackson says Gilbert views as a "runaway slave". Eugene Kane at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sees Jackson's assertion as ill-advised:
Raising his voice in support of James by evoking slavery seems like a foolish move.

James has been paid millions in salary and endorsements since joining the NBA seven years ago. During his free agent excursion, he had the owners of several professional teams courting him for his services.

Sorry, Jesse; this guy is no slave.
If Jackson was truly concerned about racism, why isn't he speaking out against Rod Blagojevich, who is heard countless times on recorded phone conversations, played at his corruption trial, referring to Jesse Jackson Jr. as an "uber African-American"? The answer to that one is rather obvious if you've been following the trial. Jesse Jackson Jr., despite his indignant and adamant declarations to the contrary shortly after Blagojevich's arrest on December 9th, 2008 is revealed in recorded phone conversations to have offered money to Blagojevich in return for being appointed to Barack Obama's then soon-to-be vacant Senate seat.

The timing of Jackson Sr.'s ludicrous claims is indeed curious. Even more ludicrous are his comments during an appearance on the Ed Schultz program. Listen as Jesse tells Ed that if Gilbert's claim that James often "quit" during games is a serious charge and would amount to a "scandal". The real scandal is going on in a Chicago courtroom and Jesse Jackson Jr. is in the middle of it. Then Jesse Sr. lectures Ed's audience about integrity and cheating before wrapping up with a reference to child rearing.

Jesse Sr. is 3 for 3 on that one - scandal, integrity, and offspring. He just has the wrong controversy and it's by design.

h/t to Hot Air for the video.

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