Thursday, July 29, 2010


On balance, when it comes to television, Glenn Beck is doing far more than anyone else to expose the radical agenda of the left. No one else is willing to dig as deep as he does. O'Reilly still has the culture warriors and games with cards on popsicle sticks; Hannity is better but how much is Bob Beckel really adding to the discussion with his repeated appearances? Besides, Beckel appears more interested in looking at himself on the off-screen monitor than in actually contributing anything substantive. Greta has gotten better in the last year but Beck has separated himself from all of them.

Beck is on-target about 90%-95% of the time. This week, we're witnessing part of that 5%-10% I'm afraid, relative to his three part series on the Weather Underground. The foundation for his series, designed to shine a light on the plans of the radicals in and around the White House is the Weather Underground's manifesto, right here:


The problem with this series so far - only two of the three parts have aired as of this writing - is that the one man Beck should have with him on the set but hasn't even been mentioned is the only man to successfully infiltrate the Weather Underground for the FBI, Larry Grathwohl. That said, I have it on good authority that Grathwohl has not been contacted to this point and it is highly unlikely that he will appear.

Beck's decision not to incorporate a live appearance by Grathwohl into this series is made all the more curious by the fact that we know Beck is well aware of Grathwohl; he aired the shocking two minute clip of him from 1982 back on June 10th of this year. Here is a video portion of that segment:

A subsequent appearance by Grathwohl never came, though I know he would be willing to make that appearance.

The intent of this series is obviously to take viewers inside the motives of Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, and Mark Rudd. What did they have planned? What were they like when they were being themselves? What things did they say before they had been "made clean", as Beck likes to say, so they would appear upstanding? With the manifesto in his hands, Beck has a window into that world but Grathwohl was INSIDE that world; no one else shares his experience. Why on earth would Beck not have him on the set LIVE as an integral part of this series?

There are, no doubt, aspects of that manifesto that Beck either might get wrong or not explain completely enough. Grathwohl can do that too.

As a last bone of contention for me, Beck held up a copy of the Weather Underground's book, "Prairie Fire" for the audience to see and no one can sell books better than Glenn Beck. I'm sure he sold quite a few of them by displaying it and discussing it for his audience. Bill Ayers is quite the wealthy terrorist these days and I'm sure he loved the plug. On the other hand, Grathwohl has a book too - though you'd never know it. Beck never mentioned it.

Grathwohl is the hero and Ayers is the villain. Why wouldn't Beck hold up Grathwohl's book for the audience to see? Why wouldn't he place him in a chair on the set for the audience to see and hear?

Here is the full two minute clip of Grathwohl in 1982.

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